Tuesday, April 24, 2012

18 Months:)

Bryson is now 18 Months! Where in the world has the time gone?? 

32 lbs 7 oz
34 3/4 in
All in 99.98%

Has 12 teeth
9 lbs lighter than Reagan:)
NEEDS his sleep!
loves to swim
blows kisses
all boy
active all day!
has learned to throw a FIT!

my favorite time of day is bedtime and nap time:)

has learned tons of words:
 mommy, daddy, papa, light, hot, toe, nose, teeth, ear, hair, pool, pee pee, potty, poo poo, water, more, milk, drink, night night, bath, high chair, jump, phone, hi, bye, eye, up, down, please,fly, bee, bird, plane, diaper, wipe, snack, cheese, candy and I'm sure there's many more that I don't remember and that I don't understand:)

excited to go swim!

loves to lounge in Mommy's chair

put himself in corner to throw a fit!

1st Sunday in Nursery!!!! :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Our Easter celebration started off with opening up Easter baskets from PawPaw and Granny Saturday night and dying eggs with Molly & Nate Blackburn. This year I saw on Pinterest that you can use Kool-Aid to dye eggs so I wanted to try it and guess what?! IT WORKS!:) And it was so much better smelling than the packs you buy that call for vinegar. They also received some mail from Grandma and Grandpa Christensen that they were thrilled to get!

Sunday morning the kids woke up to an Easter Egg hunt. They loved it! I wasn't sure what Bryson would do but he loved walking around looking for eggs, including eggs that were empty from playing with. As they followed the eggs downstairs, they found all their gifts. And boy were they happy! And I must say, I think next year we will be opening up baskets after breakfast:) Bryson only wanted "nandy" for breakfast and everything else he threw across the room! Little stinker! We attended Church and then went to my friend, Ellesse's house for dinner. She cooked a yummy roast, potato/carrot mix, spinach strawberry salad, rolls and ice cream cake. All in all, it was a great Easter!!
(sorry some of the pictures are blurry. they are from my phone)

Basket from PawPaw and Granny

Bryson was digging for all the "nandy"

Molly, Brinley, Chloe, Nate, Kaitlyn, Reagan and Bryson. Fun night to dye eggs!

Dying easter eggs

showing off her pretty orange egg

all done:)

Easter Bunny came! and so did GG and Grandma Jo:)

Bryson's gifts

all ready for Church

kid wont sit/stand still!

cute kids ready to go to church!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Lozilu Women's Mud Run

On March 31st, I did the Lozilu Women's Mud Run! It was a 5K with many obstacles and a few mud pits.  The very last obstacle was crawling through a mud pit, it was awesome! And we all thought they would have some showers, well they did, but it just dripped out of some pipes. It took quite some time to clean us all off:).  It was a lot of fun! I joined a group of friends of about 18, some I knew and some I didn't know. But by the end of the race, I feel like I'd known all the girls for awhile and not for just a few hours! I hope we can do it again next year ladies!! :)

slip n slide baby! weeee!

oh yeah feel the grainy mud EVERY WHERE!

it was our spa day;)

getting ready for the slip n slide(a few of the girls already finished but came back with the group:))

yeah i was feeling pretty dirty...

semi-clean and changing to dry clean clothes for the ride home

Mindi, Jenny and I

Finish Line:)


looking good ladies:)

and I know everyone reading this is jealous we got to play in the mud;)