Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Peyton Joann

I started having a few contractions Monday the 5th. I really wasn't sure if they were going to carry on to put me into labor or not. We spend the evening at GG's house and by the time we left her house(830ish) my contractions had become more consistent so I was thinking(and hoping) we would be heading to hospital some time in the middle of the night/morning. We got home and bathed the kids and that's when I told Brian not to get too comfortable because I had a feeling we would be heading to hospital tonight. I decided to go ahead and shower(boy was I glad I showered when I did!), when I got out of the shower around 10:30pm I decided to call my doctor(10:35) and see what she said. She told me to wait until the contractions were stronger and then to call back. I tried to lay in bed and then walk around but the contractions had came on so strong and so quickly that I could barely walk through them and trying to breathe through them was hard! I texted my mom to let her know it was time(11:15pm) and to have GG come over and sit at the house while we headed to the hospital. We took off from our house around 11:30pm and checked in at the hospital at 11:58pm.

After they got me checked in in the ER and called upstairs to L&D, they had us sit down and wait for them to come get me and boy that seemed like forever! Brian was trying to distract me during my contractions by talking to me about random stuff and I told him to "shut up". Sorry babe! They finally came to get me(only a few minutes after we sat down) and wheeled me upstairs. I was sent to change into a gown in the bathroom and my goodness I could barely move because my contractions were so strong! I made it into the triage bed and I was dying of heat! Brian laughs because I was trying to fan myself so fast with both hands and that just made me hotter. The nurse asked me if I wanted an epidural and I told her yes! I had back labor and it was killing me. As my nurse was trying to hook me up to the monitors I told her I needed to push so she went and got my doctor to check me. I was a 9!(no time for an epidural!) No wonder I was in so much pain. Brian texted my mom to let her know we were staying and to hurry up.

They quickly wheeled me into a L&D room and as soon as we got in there I stripped off my gown. I was so hot! Finally I was able to get some ice chips and boy were those good! HA! My doctor gave me permission to push since it was taking some of the pain away. While I was pushing, my water broke and shot across the room! All the nurses, my doc and Brian all jumped and laughed. They had quite the mess to clean up but it took some of the pressure away so that was nice! About 10 min after my water broke, Miss Peyton Joann joined us at 12:56am October 6th. My mom missed the birth and showed up at 12:59am. She had a feeling she would miss it because it was about a 25 min drive to the hospital. I was so thankful labor and delivery was so quick! I was able to hold her on my chest for a good while before they weighed her. My doc didn't have Brian cut the cord until we could no longer feel her heartbeat in the umbilical cord. It was pretty neat to feel! I loved the fact that I got to hold her for so long and bond with her.

I loved all the orange! Peyton was so content just laying on my chest.

Daddy fast asleep after cutting the cord. Must be hard work lol

After about 2 hours, they finally measured her and she weighed a whopping 10 lbs! I was shocked and am still shocked! She was 20.5 in long but my mom said they couldn't get her legs straight so she thinks she was 21 in. One big healthy girl! :) After they measured her and got her wrapped up Brian was able to hold her while they got me out of bed and all cleaned up to move rooms.

When she was all sprawled out like this was when we could tell she's a big girl :)

My mom and GG brought the kids up after lunch and they were so excited to see her! Reagan absolutely loves Miss P. Bryson is in love with her too but doesn't like to hold her for too long. Carson loves her and will hold her but only for a minute or 2 before he's up running around again. Aunt Katie and Uncle Mike came by to love on Miss P before heading to work. I think it's safe to say she is LOVED by all! :) 

We hadn't decided on a name until it was time to fill out the birth certificate paperwork and go home. I liked Peyton for awhile but we just weren't sure. I am glad Brian came around to liking it :) Once he came around to liking it, we had to decide how to spell it. I had no idea there were so many different ways to spell it! Joann is my middle name and it just flowed perfectly. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! The world is blessed with another Christensen baby! She is a doll - and quite a little chub! Congrats - and way to go with the natural birth - you deserve a medal of honor!!!!
